Wednesday 13 May 2009

For me to create my product it required me to plan to make sure that I used my time correctly and also to understand what my target audience wanted from the magazine. I started by creating a questionnaire in which I gathered results, a copy of the questionnaire can be seen below;

The questionnaire was completed by 3 people from my class and 2 external people. The ages of the people completing my magazine where between 15 and 19 years old.

This would help give me a varied idea into what types of music people liked, what they wanted from within a magazine and if they liked certain features to come with the magazine e.g. posters and freebie gifts.

The questionnaires where then analysed and turn into charts which easily gave me a reading and helped my decide what should feature in my magazine. These can be seen below;

The second step of my planning was for me to evaluate copies of over magazines that have been made. This was done as a group who gave me feedback on what was good, what was bad and anything that made it particularly stand out from only the front cover. This would also tell me what would attract and audience to come and read a magazine. The three different magazines can be seen below;

After I had finished the planning of my magazine I was able to start making the product itself. Handrawn designs where next made, these would give me the outline of my product and also alternatives which could be used if I was not satisfied with the outcome of my product. The handrawn designs also had details such as font, font size, colour and where any images, text and the placement of articles and the headline would go. Please use the links to view other sections of my work.